If you run a limited company, you must meet the statutory requirements of annual company returns.
This can create an additional administrative burden for smaller enterprises. Filing information with Companies House incorrectly or late can have costly consequences for any business, so making sure that your returns are timely and accurate is essential.
At Accountx, we offer a company secretarial services that ensures all the duties and responsibilities involved in this specialised work, are taken care of.
We’ll send Confirmation Statements correctly and on time, submit change of director forms, notify members of meetings, keep minutes of directors’ and general meetings, maintain your share register and update your list of People with Significant Control.
If you’re setting up a new business, we can deal with all the necessary administration and documentation. You can also keep your registered office at our office, so that we receive all official documentation on your behalf and deal with it promptly, so that you always meet your deadlines.
For more information, please contact us.